A review by utahmomreads
Night Road by Kristin Hannah


I stayed up late into the night to finish Night Road by Kristin Hannah (will release on March 29, 2011) last night. I am unfamiliar with Hannah's other work. In fact, I had never heard of her before I won this book from FirstReads.

Even though the beginning of the novel reads like a typical teenage romance and the characters seemed pretty stereo-typical, by the climax I was completely involved in their lives, hopes, dreams and tragedy.

Hannah has written a powerful novel that will scare all parents. Already this morning, I've had talks with two of my children who are still in elementary school about the dangers of alcohol. (We've talked about it before. They're never too young.) I think this novel completely captures that teenage feeling of invincibility and disregard for rules and shows the severe consequences that can come from one bad choice.

It also shows the progress of healing from tragedy, ultimately forgiving and moving forward. Even though the characters are fictional, my heart aches for them. I can't stop thinking about this novel. I think it will stay with me for some time.