A review by salgalruns
The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki


ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! I feel like I should have known who Marjorie Post was, but had no idea and was immediately sucked into the story from the very beginning! The author wove through so much accuracy with her book that it reads more like a biography, but with the ease of historical fiction.

Things that truly stood out to me included the challenge of being a strong businesswoman without a spot at the table and instead needing your husband to serve in your place - ugh. I also was immediately irritated at the care that her father received at the beginning of the book. So frustrated on his behalf!

I was enamored not only with her success in life, but also with her service and care for others - EVERY time. It was truly admirable. Definitely one that will make me continue to think about her in the future as a result!