A review by bookwormbunny
Beastly: A Shifter Academy Reverse Harem (The Citadel - Semester Two) by Kiera Legend


Welcome back to the Citadel. Kit is back and semester one is going to look like a cakewalk in comparison to what she is about to go through in semester two. Kit is going to watch as things go downhill one after another. But the question will be – can she surmount the odds and reclaim the place that has become her second home?
Beastly: The Citadel Semester 2 is an engaging follow-up to the first book in this paranormal academy series. Now, I will admit that it took me a minute to pick up on where things left off with book one, but it didn’t take me long. The author picks the story up after Christmas break and begins things again, but it’s not long before things begin to go wrong beginning with the disappearance of the school President. It’s not too far of a stretch to guess that the radical group Out of the Shadows has something to do with it. But this semester seems to be the one where Kit learns a lot about her own family and their history. I loved that aspect of this story. It is absolutely shocking at how connected her family tree is and all the terrible things that so many of them did.
The author doesn’t just leave Kit’s problems with her ancestry. This semester tries her budding relationships with Deangelo, Chuck, and Jimmy. Nothing is going as she planned or even hoped. I have to admit that I liked this because it shows me different sides of the characters and how they handle things. Also, the author works hard to show the characters in a more realistic light as they have to deal with less than ideal situations. The guys are each doing their own things and it honestly doesn’t sit that well with Kit. I will admit that at times I thought that Kit was being a bit of hypocrite, but she works hard to not be consumed by that. I just don’t like her feeling/acting like she needed to be the center of the guys' attention all the time.
I will say that I appreciate the author working in Kit spending more time with Hailey, but she still tends to blow Hailey off to go chasing after one of the guys. On the one hand, it’s disappointing, but on the other hand, I’m glad that Hailey is so good-natured about it. I must say one of my favorite aspects of this story is Herman the boggart. He’s absolutely adorable! LOL! I love the fact that he and Boadicea take on bigger roles in this story as well.
The author is doing a good job developing the characters in this series and the trials that they are going to have to face both with the OS and with their various relationships. I’m hopeful that Kit and the guys can come to a happy medium between each other and any others since Kit has made it clear she’s not looking to be exclusive. I am rating this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. If you enjoyed the first book in this series then I’m sure that you will enjoy this book. I’m looking forward to what the author has next up her sleeve with respect to semester three.