A review by fingolfintek
JUnit in Action by Petar Tahchiev, Petar Tahchiev, Felipe Leme


Decided to read this one since it came with the Third Edition MEAP. I should have known the book would be outdated by now - honestly, parts of it seem to have been outdated even 9 years ago - but I hoped it would delve into JUnit 4 internals and given that a lot of our test codebase is still not migrated to JUnit 5 and probably won't be anytime soon, I figured diving a bit deeper into the framework may not be too bad. Unfortunately, I found none of that here - the book explores only the most basic concepts of JUnit and is otherwise spread pretty thin covering a multitude of frameworks that were a part of the testing ecosystem at the time. Would have been a decent read when I started out 10 years ago but isn't really worth it now.