A review by tome15
Crossover by Joel Shepherd


Shepherd, Joel. Crossover. 2001. Cassandra Kresnov No. 1. Pyr, 2006.
Australian science fiction is sometimes a bit slow to penetrate the U.S. market. Although Joel Shepherd is a writer with more than 20 titles in his list, Crossover is the first one I have read, and I am going to make it a point to read more of his work. His heroine, Cassandra Kresnov, is an android created as a warrior. Star Trek fans will immediately think—Data in a Seven of Nine body with more libido than both of them put together. Post-traumatic stress has caused her to abandon her mission, desert, and try to live in secret in the enemy’s capital. She soon finds herself drawn back into a war that is more morally complex than she ever suspected. Crossover is well-plotted, with character-driven action and the R-rated sex and violence one expects from the genre.