A review by bookswithdorothy
The Guardian by Elizabetta Holcomb


MY FULL REVIEW IS ON MY BLOG! Check it out at http://dorothyrequina.wix.com/bookswithdorothy, thanks! :)

I was sent this book by Elizabetta Holcomb herself in exchange for an honest review and here it is!

I gave this book 3.5 stars! I liked this story quite a lot, but there were some things that just didn’t sit well with me. Let’s start with the good stuff: the characters, the romance, the slang. I really liked the interactions going on between all the characters. The dialogue was spot on! Most of the dialogue was actually super hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud A LOT. Slang was a big part of why the dialogue was funny, and to get that you have to read it. The romance was so great, too! I felt like for a good amount of the book, I was only into it because of Elizabet and Jareth. They are so different, but work so well as a couple. Sometimes they would just be talking to each other for many pages and I didn't mind one bit.
Now the stuff that I was “eh” about: the actual plot and the world building. I thought that the plot of the book was very confusing. There were things that were kind of just stated, but not elaborated on. Then there’s the actual time travel. I’m not very sure on how the “wormholes” work or how the time jumping effects the future. This was my first time travel based book that I’ve ever read and maybe that’s why, but I’m sure certain things could have been explained a bit more. I know I’m going to keep reading this series because I seriously love Elizabet and Jareth. I live for them in this series!