A review by artbynaveenchandra
Aavarana: The Veil by S.L. Bhyrappa


The tears that couldn’t be controlled to slip off my eyes is my review of this greatest book.

The author briefly narrates the atrocities committed by Mughal emperors like Aurangzeb in the name of faith and how they destroyed 1000’s of temples in Kashi, Mathura, Chittor and various other cities. Also, the author detailed out all the insane activities of these rulers with proper primary resources in the bibliography.

The story is narrated by Razia alias Lakshmi who converts to Islam to marry the man she loves and eventually learns that her Muslim husband is not the open minded, progressive individual he claimed to be. This shocks her and in a state of delirium after her father’s death, she sets off her journey into India’s history by reading all the books and notes, her Gaundhian father had accumulated over the years after she eloped. Her quest leads her to realize many similarities between the past emperors and the present rulers. She compels to write a novella detailing out the atrocities in the past and barbarious acts committed by modern pseudo secular leaders in the name of religion, minority to advance their political mileage.

My rating for the research is 5/5
My rating for the translation from Kannada to English is 5/5
My overall rating for the book is 5/5.

My review and recommendation of the book has nothing to do with modern Islam preachers. I truly believe that no modern Muslim should be blamed for the heinous acts committed by ancient Muslim tyrants. But, I also believe it is highly important to learn the truth, socially grow and accept the bad done by their ancestors just like Germans apologized the world for the acts of Nazis, Japanese apologized the Koreans and Hindus apologized for the hierarchical ideology of Manu.