A review by curls
Love from Scratch by Kaitlyn Hill


Premise of the book — Reese is a marketing intern at a food network type company that does you tube videos.

Benny is a kitchen intern. His family runs a restaurant and he’s an experienced cook.

When the normal stars are double booked, Reece’s boss volunteers her for a quick show with Benny. Neither are in the position to say no. It goes viral and the CEO decides to have them compete for the one fall intern spot.

Which doesn’t make sense. Benny is an actual chef, Reese is in marketing. Why would they have the same internship? Why would Reese want a culinary internship when she doesn’t know how to cook? Why would Reese want to do marketing when she avoids all social media because of a high school rumor?

There’s an underlying message of feminism in this book. But it’s not so much underlying as it is that is the entire point of the book. My problem with it is it’s all lip service. Feminism is repeatedly talked about, but never shown — it’s literally telling not showing. And with the main characters being 18, it was really hard to take them seriously. Reese is reasonably flawed and I liked that. No one has it figured out at 18, even though most 18 year olds think so. But it made Benny seem so unrealistic because he is perfect at 18. And all the other men being misogynistic was just too much.

Reese is the feminist that rants about the patriarchy but when is face with the patriarchy all she does is cry. She’s young at 18 though so I probably would have liked this one more if the characters were older.

Had potential to be a cute ya romance but was too preachy for me to like.

Two stars - one for Benny and one for the food puns.