A review by brentmayberry
Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer


I initially rated this book 4/5 stars because it was such a good read! However, I learned today (Aug 1, 2012) that Lehrer fabricated quotes attributed to Bob Dylan. See here for more info. I can't, in good conscience, recommend a book written by someone who admits to lying to his readers.

I really enjoyed learning about all the ways life can bump you into being creative. Living in cities makes you more productive. Being a little ADHD makes you more imaginative. Focus can do it, too. Being compelled to interact with your co-workers is a great way to spark new ideas.

I think the point of [b:Imagine|12987640|Imagine How Creativity Works|Jonah Lehrer|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327000473s/12987640.jpg|17907836] was to show us that we all have the ability to create amazing and beautiful things. The vignettes Mr. Lehrer presents that showcase incredible creative output--whether it's Pixar, or Yo Yo Ma, or Bob Dylan, or an arts high school in New Orleans, or Silicon Valley--show me that most of us really aren't that different from one another. We all have the seeds of greatness, and I loved this book for reminding me of that.

I also agree with much of Mr. Lehrer's advice at the end of the book regarding the things we can do as a society to spur innovation and creativity. The coda is worth a read and a re-read.