A review by danireadsbooks1
When I Come Home by Maisie Myers


Quick Synopsis: Thea left rural Oklahoma, and Cole, to become a bit-time star in Hollywood. Six years later and a lot of success and Thea is back to attend her Father’s funeral. After a turbulent start to her Hollywood career and an abrupt departure from her home, and from Cole, her hometown is less than happy that she basically ghosted them when she moved. There are reasons she did so however, but she’s always regretted leaving Cole and this might be their second chance to be together.

Trigger Warnings: Eating disorders; rape; molestation of a minor; paedophelia; victim blaming; parental abuse; death of a parent;

What I liked:
-The dynamic between the two characters was great and the spice was great.
-I love a good second chance romance
-This tackles a lot of tough topics like sexism, rape and dealing with the trauma from that, and eating disorders
-I’m super invested in the next couple’s story for sure
-We got a cameo from my fav couple from The Truth About Love which was stellar
-Oftentimes with a second chance romance, the issue that separated them or kept them apart is flimsy at best, but that’s not the case here. It really made sense given our characters’ ages especially.

What I struggled with:
-There are some clear non-American-isms that I have flagged to the author, but that anyone not in the US or not in the southern US probably wouldn’t know (e.g. there’s no way you’re getting a taxi in rural Oklahoma)
-This is just a personal thing but I am so over the third act breakup. Every author does it I feel like and it’s in everything so it’s not even a surprise anymore. I’m more surprised when a third act breakup doesn’t happen.

I enjoyed this novel and I’m honestly probably more excited for the next, however. I want to see the next couple’s love story because it was set up so well in this one.