A review by stephb413
Travels with Myself and Another by Martha Gellhorn


Personally for me this was a five. Here is why: I am a firm believer that books come to us at certain times. They patiently rest upon shelves waiting for the new releases or "got to read before the movie comes out" genre. I guilty confess that this happens even more with my actual paper books, as they are overshadowed as my library hold list becomes available for my ebooks (I know I'm sorry!) Anyway, Gellhorn sat patiently for a long time waiting for me until I needed paper books to take to the beach on an extended "me" holiday. I was sort of struggling with life choices and decisions and this book helped me to no end while I was sitting on a beach alone in Brazil. I think any traveler or dreamer (they are one in the same in my opinion) would love this book, but there is definitely something special here for the solo female traveler. I left this book at an adorable little beach library for the next traveler to pick up. There I think Gellhorn will continue to happily and patiently wait for the next person in need to pick her up.