A review by cedewatson
Marked by Vivian Arend, Kit Rocha, Lauren Dane


Beyond Temptation

Kit Rocha
It’s taken the girls a couple of books in the Beyond Series for us to finely get a taste of Noah Lennox. And do we ever, not your typical geek squad here. Our boy Noah likes his women dirty, really dirty. Of course that is the only thing Dallas O’Kane deals in, really fucking dirty.
, her
“I’ll hurt you. I won’t want or mean to, but I’ll do it. Mark my words, Emma”
Four years ago, Noah paid for Emma’s freedom into the mountains, but things don’t always end up like they should in the Sectors. Emma Cibulski, to her Noah was her brother’s best friend, her first love, but he left her, so she could have a better life. Enter Dallas O’Kane, leader of Sector 4 and newly appointed leader of Sector 3. Dallas offers Emma a better life as an O’kane, a life that has had her happy, but with only one thing missing: Noah!

In true O’Kane fashion, this book is ballsy, sexy and yes, dirty; as only Kit Rocha can write. Loved the start of Noah and Emma’s story, looking forward to the next Beyond in the series. Summing up with this: Marked by Noah.

O’Kane for Life!