A review by sunzreads
The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again by Catherine Price


I always wondered how it was to have fun. With my childhood experiences and challenges growing up, I became overly serious about life and work, leaving me exhausted and anxious. I always turn to books to find the answer that's why I read this book, The Power of Fun by Catherine Price.

Price aims to define what is true fun in this book. To illustrate her message, she shared stories of people from different walks of life from the beginning of the book until the last chapter. This is what I noticed about self-help books written by entrepreneurs, advocates, and speakers. They include a lot of studies and anecdotes in addition to their own stories that expand their books to hundreds of pages. I have to push myself to read these stories because I know they could help me understand what the author is trying to say but, honestly, it was not that fun at all. Good thing, I don't give up on books for I know I could learn something from it. The Power of Fun did change the way I look at fun. Price said that true fun is the point where playfulness, connection, and flow meet. She encourages the reader to consider if the activity has these three elements to experience genuine fun. This is the most important message for me. She also has a lot tips on how to have fun and keep at it that I find helpful.I am thankful that I didn't stop reading this book.