A review by ancourtade
This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune


Okay I was kind of disappointed with this book...I've really enjoyed Carley Fortune in the past. I don't know if my preferences have changed as a reader or if this just was not on par with her other books. 

I just felt like there was SO MUCH SEX. Like the initial attraction was sex and then the entire relationship felt driven by sex and not actual enjoyment of each other's personality. Like whenever she mentioned a trait of his that she liked she talked about how hot/sexy/worked up it got her.....

I reeaallly disliked/was disappointed with the moment they finally talked about their feelings/got together. I'm sorry there's NO WAY Lucy didn't know Felix was in love with her - why even mentioned the highlighted quote about love in Great Expectations if 10 pages later you're going to claim that Lucy thought it was all about sex? That felt very unbelievable to me. That scene was very anticlimactic to me. And at this point in the book I was sick of reading about all the sex they were having. I almost feel like it would have been more special if the profession of true feelings didn't immediately lead to more sex. 

Meh. Overall it was fine. I do like the authors voice better than most romance writers but I just felt like she was relying on readers wanting explicit scenes and not actually writing a fully fleshed out love story....in my opinion.