A review by subash
Dead Men And Broken Hearts by Craig Russell


Cracking good read and a wholly satisfying finale to what has proved to be a well loved series. I can see myself re-reading this again in a few months and enjoying it even better the second time around.

This round the whole Richard Hannay bit really was totally intense, and while the plotting and pacing was even better than the last three put together, something about the coincidence of the two names, and the easy reason for Sylvia Dewar being offed ... I dunno, somehow had come to expect higher standards when it came to details like that ... but these are minor blemishes in what's otherwise a read that doesn't let up from the word go, and no longer needs to build atmosphere or scatter wisecracks .. there are indeed moments that are genuinely funny, and while the heartbreak at the end is no suprise it's again woven together well if not surprisingly well, at least not too hamhandedly.

The best thing about a good series though is walking away in the skin of the character you've been vicariously inhabiting for the space of a few novels and in that sense Lennox makes for one of the better characterisations in recent times in my experience at least.