A review by booklandish
The Gauntlet and the Burning Blade by Ian Green


I freaking LOVE this series! This second installment picks up right where we left off in book one and builds up on that foundation. And my goodness: higher stakes, more magic, and so many emotions!
“Until the war is done for all of us, the war is done for none of us.”

Bullet review:
- Brisk and fast-paced
- Expanding worldbuilding
- Rich lore and history
- Emotional rollercoaster
- Several new POVs
- Non-human characters
- Exciting twists

We rekindle with a few characters we met before but also get introduced to some fascinating new perspectives! And for as many questions get answered from book one, I have as many new questions and wild theories so needless to say, I cannot wait for the sequel! Like in book one, we get excerpts from books within the world, some sayings, interlude chapters, etc... and this just makes the reading experience so rich and immersive!