A review by amyreadsandsails
Roommate by Sarina Bowen


MM - contemporary romance - moderate steam - white MCs - pov first dual - asexual MMC - closeted - food industry - found family - grumpy/sunshine - holiday romance - opposites attract - roommates to lovers - small town - workplace - 5 stars.

Technically a spin off from the True North series but if you are reading the Sarina Bowen universe in order, this one goes here.

I actually like this one better on the reread than I did the first time. Roderick is "Gay AF" and I loved that he falls for a closeted man when he swore to himself that he would never be the dirty little secret again.
Lots of True North characters return, including Father Peters, who I greatly enjoy despite not liking religion.

Kieran's sexuality is left ambiguous - he'd slept with women before but mostly thought it was because he was a horny teenager not that he was necessarily into women. I liked that Sarina left it open - he's definitely not straight and allo, but we don't need to know more and Roderick never questioned it.

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