A review by ladyk23
The Whistling Room by William Hope Hodgson


I knew nothing about this story before reading it, but now that I re-read the synopsis to remind me what it's about, I see that the unnamed narrator of the tale is told the story by a man whose fame precedes him. You see our narrator hears of the goings on in this fable by Thomas Carnacki, who is a fictional occult detective created by William Hope Hodgson. He appears in a series of six short stories published between 1910 and 1912 in various magazines. This is story number three.

In the tale he tells our narrator about a trip he recently took to Galway in Ireland to investigate a castle that was haunted by a disturbing disembodied whistling. I won't go into the story more than that because the tale (although it is still a short story) is rather complex and involved, and by going into the investigation more I feel I would be giving too much away.

It's a very detailed story, with a very well described location and back story, and a very eerie quality to it whenever there is mention of the whistling. If any of you reading this have ever watched the kids TV show Creeped Out, the whistling described in this story reminded me of the creepy whistling tune you hear at the start of that show.

If you'd like to read the rest for yourself this is another story in the public domain and it's available as a text file via wikisource or as an audio story via You Tube.