A review by dr_matthew_lloyd
Orphan Black #1 by Szymon Kudranski, Neil Uyetake, John Fawcett, Jody Houser, Graeme Manson, Mat Lopes


While [b:Orphan Black: The Next Chapter|47485295|Orphan Black The Next Chapter|Malka Ann Older|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1564539757l/47485295._SX50_.jpg|72576096] is on its brief hiatus I decided to delve into the (smaller than I realised) comic book world of Orphan Black. It's been, what, six years since I watched the first season of the show (I have been meaning to rewatch, at some point), but as this comic basically recapped the first episode for those who know the twists and turns, it didn't do much for me. There were some interesting tidbits about Beth that were probably interesting before she got a little more fleshing out in season 4. It did remind me that Vic existed, though. I should probably nock a star off for that... (I didn't).

One thing comic adaptations/continuations of television shows often suffer from, for me, is how the character's voices come across. I listen to the audio of The Next Chapter, so it's Tatiana Maslany there, doing the voices for me and making them sound right; you can't really do that with a comic book, given that the visuals are sort of the point? I will continue with the series alongside The Next Chapter (and re-watching season 5 because my spouse never got around to watching it), and hope that for the characters for whom we didn't get as much background, the story is more interesting.