A review by sineadcuddihy
Corpsing: My Body and Other Horror Shows by Sophie White


From the minute I started reading I thought, 'how on earth will I review this book and do it justice?!'

Corpsing is a collection of essays by writer and podcaster, Sophie White, detailing the literal highs and lows of life, death, addiction, mental illness, motherhood, womanhood.

It seems trite and clichéd to say I laughed, I cried, but I laughed, I cried. I’ve had to stop and google ’The Reincarnation of Saint-Orlan’, pause to listen with eyes closed to Blue by Joni Mitchell, and I can’t look at the Saxa salt the same way ever again.

Looking at my notes, I’ve written honest, beautiful, relatable, raw, emotional, heartbreaking and funny. It is all of those things and more. Get it, read it, pass it on.