A review by drasticjo
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin


There were some really inspiring nuggets in this book, and I finished it feeling energized overall. However there were a few moments that soured me a bit. Godin seems not to really have any experiential awareness of being poor, and occasionally tosses off derisive statements suggesting it's a result of poor choices. At one point he suggests that anyone whose excuse is not having enough money to take a risk should simply live below their means, because the difference is all profit (as if poor people just haven't thought of this method). He also briefly refers to introversion as a flaw and suggests looking to more extraverted friends to see how to overcome it, which indicates he has made the common error of mistaking introversion for shyness/standoffishness and extraversion for having people skills. On the whole, though, if you have a good filter for privilege, there are definitely things worth learning in this book.