A review by thebooksatchel
The Men's Club by Leonard Michaels


The Men’s club is set in 1970s in a suburban home in Berkeley, California. Seven men get together in a room that to form a men’s club. None of them know what the club is going to be about. The men in the circle are friends and strangers to some of the others in the circle. As the evening wears on, the men start talking.

Soon they open up about their regrets, love failures, unrequited love and what not. The first few chapters suck me into the book. The pace falls a but towards the middle. But the climax was funny and hilarious and I so did not see that one coming.

Check a detailed review on http://www.thebooksatchel.com/mens-club-leonard-michaels/

Much thanks to Daunt Books for a copy of the book. All opinions are my own.