A review by mary_05
Hard as You Can by Laura Kaye


Technically 2.5 stars


I was actually really disappointed with Hard As You Can. I loved the first book, I mean really loved it, because it wasn't all about the romance. There was so much going on, but it didn't feel rushed and there was a good deal of action. The second book however, I felt as though the whole point of the story was over shadowed by the romance.

I'm not going to lie, both of the main characters annoyed me to no end. There was so much that could have been avoided. There were so many things that dragged and dragged on. The romance was so so... boring. I thought it was too cookie cutter. It was so predictable.

Crystal really got on my nerves, I thought she played the victim card way too often. She whined a lot and she never truly tried to take matters into her own hands, she never tried to take charge of her life, she kind of just coasted around, bidding her time.

Shane, ugh Shane! I liked him from Nick's point of view, but my god! His saviour complex, well it perplexed me. I understood it, but I feel like for sixteen years something should have happened. He should have tried to deal with it of at least have seen a shrink or something. He almost compromised the whole mission because of he's issues. Basically the whole point of the series was over shadowed. We didn't even get answers to questions from the first book. There was no significant intel.

I had a very had time finishing this book. The only reason I finished this book was because I wanted to read the third book. I'm really looking forward to Mars's book, but I'm not even going to put high expectations on it. I can't... I don't even know how Hard As You Can took such a 180 from the first book. Hopefully there'll be more about what happened in Afghanistan and and less predictable cheesy romance.