A review by rincondejoss
The Witches of Kyiv: And Other Gothic Tales by Orest Somov, Svitlana Krys


Witch of Kyiv

This one it's the opening story of the book and it's so sadly beautiful.

the concept of this young man falling in love with a witch even after being warned repeatedly was awesome, it dwells on the concept of trust and it proven at the end that sometimes curiosity can doom us all.


This one was the one that actually attracted me to the book since I was trying to investigate what a rusalka was, since I saw a trailer that mentioned them, it wasn’t overwhelming or anything, but the story was very sad but it had on my opinion a very interesting and satisficing ending.

Evil Eye

On this one I really didn’t understood at all what the situation really was since, yes there was this stranger coming to the house of our a family asking for food and lodging and all of the sudden since the man didn’t want to give any daughter hand he just went and curse all three with the evil until they died? I mean it was a little weird.

Wandering light

The shortest so far in this book, but it was a very nice love story in a way, tragic yes but beautiful.

Kupalo Eve

This one I found very nice, its about a young warrior coming back home, until to encounter in the middle of the journey a rusalka and inadvertently going with her to his demise.

God's Fool

The most down to earth story in my opinion, it was very curious since we had Vasyl, that seemed to posses the power of knowing the future of people and he put himself on harm's way for this officer that seemed in a way very kind to his friends and even help him overcome death.

In an all it was a very interesting collections of stories that had a little of everything in them.