A review by undeniablyanna
You Should Have Seen This Coming by Shani Michelle




Drink: McDonald’s Diet Coke

Okay hear me out - first of all I think we can all agree that McDonald’s coke is by far the best (seriously - what do they put in it?!). Second of all, if I was needing to find my missing friend and solve a mystery, I would just live off of that stuff, and I feel like Hayden would totally vibe with that too

Review: THIS BOOK!!!! I was so excited when I got the e-ARC and then for whatever reason couldn’t get to it for a little while. Once I finally sat down and started reading it I literally could not put it down and finished it in one sitting (oops)

The characters + the mystery + the romance = actual perfection. I loved the different POVs and getting to experience the mystery from different angles, I honestly don’t think I have ever read a story like that before.

If you loved the Good Girls Guide to Murder series then make sure to add this story to your TBR because I think you will love it as much as I did! Comes out on April 12th!