A review by sklus
The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


This book was really good. It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time AND I didn't guess the twist, which is a first for a YA mystery/thriller novel. The only reason this book did not get 5 stars is that it was about politics. I'm not interested in politics, but from what I know it does not work like the book describes. I can buy the fact that there are fixers and that politics is a game of knowing the right people and the right things, but I cannot buy the fact that so many people were murder in regards to this plot and it was not a big deal. Maybe I'm naive, but I feel like
Spoilerthe murder of a journalist who covers the White House, regardless of when or where is kind of a big deal.
Lynn Barnes also wrote a series with a similar premise, gifted children solving crimes, but I could suspend my disbelief to a greater degree when they were hunting serial killers and not politicians.