A review by molspiration
The Astounding Wolf-Man Volume 2 by Robert Kirkman


60% | C+ | Good

"I need to be faster. I need to be stronger"

Now on the run from the law for a murder in which he didn't commit, Gary uses his time as a fugitive to hone his skills as a werewolf by learning from the one who turned him and makes some new friends along the way

What tips this volume slightly over the previous is the tie in with the Invincible series and the cameos from many of the characters. Mark and Gary have a good dynamic, and whilst I am not a fan of Cecil as a character, his inclusion does elevate the story and push the narrative into a more interesting direction with the inclusion of the Global Defence Agency, and I have a feeling that this isn't the last we will see of him.

The Invincible scenes aren't the only ones which are entertaining to read. Gary's training moments include some fun moments too, and it is nice to learn more about the wolf who changed him along the way. Chloe's storyline is also quite engaging, despite the fact I feel like I know where it's going, and I'm excited to read more scenes between her and her new mentor.

Unfortunately, this does seem to be shaping into yet another conflict which is driven by misunderstanding due to lack of communication. I know that there is the excuse of 'oh, they would never believe me' threaded into the character's motivation for not communicating with one another, but it still feels like some of the smaller conflicts - like Gary and his daughter - would benefit from a simple conversation.