A review by jeanetterenee
The Last Supper by Charles McCarry


I'm having a hard time rating this objectively because I have apparently become temporarily jaded about books in general. After finishing this one, I started and rejected EIGHT novels in a row!

Anyway, this is a clever little labyrinthine biography of Paul Christopher. It wasn't the first Christopher novel, but it's a really good one for getting to know all the characters that show up in the other books in the series. You get to find out the history of how all the people ended up in Paul's life, and why they act the way they do.

The book covers about fifty years of time. It starts with how his parents met in 1923, and ends in the mid-1970s. I liked getting to find out all the family history, and then Paul Christopher's wild and rocky career with "the Outfit" (CIA).

Pay attention to the seemingly minor characters and events as they appear. You will need to remember them in the last hundred pages or so of the book when the author unravels the web and all the secrets are revealed.