A review by ingo_lembcke
The Men Who Stare at Goats by Jon Ronson


Started reading March 12th, 2013.
Got this book with the Blu-ray of the film as a limited edition, it would have been nice to have a case for both, but is was just a normal blu-ray and a paperback.
I have not seen the film yet, in most cases I try to read the book before seeing the film.
Just a guess, but I hope it is as realistic as "Burn after reading".
Oh, well did not expect that, but all Names, Organisations, Places etc. checked out and are real.
The writing is not very gripping, sorry, took a long time to read that short book.
Lots of Names (as a retired computer geek I am better with numbers than names), not much story.
But the things described happened and some are well known (Waco, Heaven's Gate Massaker, Pics from abu ghraib).
As I see this book as an important and necessary read, for entertainment value or not, I rate this 4 stars.
A good thing would have been a Link-Section - or one link to a Website with Links to all available resources online, but most books I read do not even have a list of books to read further (Michael Slade's Special X-Series a notable exception).
This book will give you stuff to think about.
For the paranoid conspiracy nut this book will support some of your worst nightmares.
Cannot wait to see the film (Blu-ray at hand on top of one of my many stacks).