A review by booksnooksandcooks
The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic—and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World by Steven Johnson


If this book deleted the entire last chapter, I would give it more stars. But Johnson takes mediocre research strewn together in a hindsight-laden view of cholera epidemics and delves into some conspiracy-laced rant about 9/11, nuclear weapons, etc.

Guess what, man!!! A pandemic actually happened!!! And yeah, it was horrible in cities!!! But it wasn’t whatever that last chapter was. I spent the entire epilogue staring at the wall in a mixture of confusion and boredom as the audiobook artist continued on. 

The two stars this book DOES get is because it actually kept me interested in the history of cholera and sanitation systems. That’s the only redeeming point.