A review by readswithmt
Fae Hunted by Rose Garcia


I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Genre: Upper YA Fantasy

Rating: 4/5

Synopsis: Gabriela is half fae and half witch without much knowledge of her fae side. This all changes when it is discovered someone wants to eliminate her fae bloodline and as a result she must embark on an adventure to the fae realm, Faevenly. She finds herself on this journey of discovery alongside her fae protector, one she has an undeniable pull to. Gabriela must embrace who she is to save those she loves before it’s too late.

Review/What I Thought: This is book 1 in the Fae Bloodlines Legacy duology which is a part of the same world as the Fae Bloodlines duology by the same author. Prior to reading this, I hadn’t read the Fae Bloodlines Duology but didn’t feel like I needed to either for this book to make sense.

It didn’t take me long at all to get into this book and I got quite excited by the storyline and the character Leaf who was this mysterious, rigid fae protector. Rose did a really good job creating the characters and I love a story where the heroine discovers about herself. I feel like the author did well in releasing details as and when necessary to keep readers engaged throughout. On Goodreads it is mentioned there would be moderate steam but I have read steamier novels so this is quite mild in comparison. There are hints of spice in this book but it isn’t necessarily a steamy read, I would recommend for readers aged 16 and up.

One thing I would have preferred is a little more “world building” when Gabriela initially returned to the Faevenly I didn’t feel like it had sufficient description for me to envision it, I did eventually manage to get more understanding of the fae realm as I continued to read. This book does include a fair amount of Spanish phrases at the beginning but those can be translated through google for anyone (like me) who doesn’t speak/understand Spanish. I also feel like the attraction between Gabriela and her fae protector could have been improved on - it seemed quite sudden rather than being built up.

I stayed engaged throughout this read and I do want to read the next book in this series, Fae Rising to see how Gabriela’s story ends!

Borrow or Buy? Buy!

Would I Recommend? Absolutely, to fantasy readers and those wanting to get into fantasy

Would I Re-read? Yes! I would like to read the sequel so I would re-read prior.

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