A review by ijsselmeer13
Busy: How to Thrive in a World of Too Much by Tony Crabbe


Busy, by Tony Crabbe, is a guidebook to 'how to thrive in a world of too much.' Divided into manageable chapters with lots of headers and a summary and 'go do' section at the end of each chapter, Busy was a super digestible, smooth read. Despite of this format, I was very frustrated by how Crabbe never stops to consider WHY we are so busy, or what busy-ness, productivity, and thriving are defined as. Instead, these concepts are glossed over, as he sprinkles in life or death anecdotes that serve as whiplash-inducing metaphors for office life.

It is my belief that one cannot push back against the busy lifestyle we're so often trapped into if we don't critically think about what that even means. Due to this, it felt as though the instructions did not directly challenge a life of being busy. Rather, Crabbe's suggestions fit a very specific white-collar lifestyle, with tips such as "watch the clock," "kill a meeting," and "...and smile" that ignore the fact that busy might not be a choice, but rather a necessary way of survival.