A review by thewulverslibrary
A King's Radiance by L.R. Schulz


I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

A King’s Radiance is the debut novel from L.R. Schulz and it’s safe to say that this does not falter in scope and ambition. This was a consuming book that was incredible and was really reminiscent of those great fantasy series of old. We follow the Glaive family - three siblings who are on different paths with different ideals. Each character has their own motivations - to be free, to find each other or to be wary of wearing the crown but Schulz ties this all in effortlessly.

Right from the very start we are thrust into a gritty and dire world where the stakes are high, the political unravelled and the magic teased. The magic itself is simply effective but Schulz has a way of showing us the consequences of one's actions and it’s very rare that we find these in fantasy novels. These particularly dark moments matter to the story are integral to the impact that Schulz degrades us to. Instead of having a bunch of unnecessary descriptive prose, Schulz shows us the subtle and consuming immersion of the world through these characters and plot points that amass an incredible foreshadowing and miraculously memorable lore.

The plot itself was so intricate and emotional. These characters have their own backstories that lead up to an absolutely golden ending. The plot points are mapped out so detailed that there were some true twists and secrets that I didn’t see coming and this can be hard to capture in a multi-POV story.

For a self-published book, it is evident that Schulz has paid grateful care and attention to this debut and presents a complex and original story filled with a rich and interesting backdrop. I was super impressed reading this and highly recommend this for fantasy fanatics. The groundwork for a brilliant fantasy series has been laid.