A review by iratherbebookish
Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris


 "Behind Closed Doors" by B. A. Paris is a psychological thriller that delves into the disturbing reality of a seemingly perfect marriage. The novel follows the lives of Grace and Jack Angel, who appear to be an ideal couple. However, behind the façade lies a dark and twisted reality of abuse and control.

The novel explores how appearances can be deceiving. Grace and Jack's marriage seems perfect to outsiders, but it's built on fear and manipulation. Jack exerts complete control over Grace, dictating her every move and isolating her from friends and family. Through the power dynamic in their relationship you can clearly see that Grace is suffering from domestic abuse and the psychological mechanisms Jack uses to maintain control. Grace's isolation is both physical and emotional. Jack's manipulation ensures she has no one to turn to. The novel illustrates the profound loneliness that can result from abusive relationships.

Grace is portrayed as a loving and devoted sister to Millie, who has Down syndrome. Her commitment to Millie is a key motivator in the story. Her character evolves from a victim to a fighter, demonstrating remarkable inner strength and resourcefulness. Her determination to protect her sister, Millie, drives her to find a way out.

The novel uses a dual timeline narrative, alternating between the past and present. This structure builds suspense, gradually revealing the extent of Jack's control and the lengths Grace must go to escape. The novel delves into the psychology of abuse, exploring how abusers manipulate and control their victims. It also examines the psychological impact on the victim, including fear, helplessness, and the eventual resolve to escape.

"Behind Closed Doors" is a compelling psychological thriller that combines suspense with a deep exploration of domestic abuse. Through its characters and narrative, it sheds light on the dark realities behind seemingly perfect facades and highlights the resilience of the human spirit in the face of oppression.