A review by rgyger
Another Castle: Grimoire by Andrew Wheeler


I enjoyed this. The art style is not what I typically enjoy, but I saw it and thought it looked like something a few of my goodreads friends would have chosen and thought I would give it a chance. And though I'm still not a fan of all the bright pinks and purples, I know I can't judge a comic based strictly on its use of them.

As to the story, it is a little heavy handed when it comes to pushing the feminist message, especially since Misty wasn't really an interesting character. For that reason, had I read this on the original separate issues, I wouldn't have continued past issue #1 because it was pretty much just about her.

But once I continued, I found a lot of humor in the story telling. I mean, having a contractor submit a proposal for the type of monsters the hero would face? As someone who does contract work, that had me laughing for a few minutes. But there was also discussion of what happens after the hero wins and how the people cope with losing the lives they had built once their tyrant ruler is overthrown. Also, the Gorga stepped in as an interesting female heroine who actually does save the day despite how she is kind of overlooked in the story. For those reasons, I do recommend this as a collection.