A review by kellyhager
A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink

This book is an emotional roller-coaster. It's all about grief, but it's also all about hope and love.

It's incredibly appropriate that it centers around the summer after graduating from college, because that's exactly how this book feels. (Although even more so, because Rose's mom has died fairly recently---less than a year ago---so it's even more intense for her.)

But it's also just the knowledge that everything is changing. And even if you have so many things to look forward to (college, new adventures, new places), it's still scary and sad.

I really enjoyed this book, and its love story. (Because even beyond Bodhi and Rose, it's about Rose's love for her family and friends, as well as the farm where she grew up.)

I'm probably not doing the book justice, so just read it. :)