A review by unoriginalinspiration
Bunny by Mona Awad


Bunny. Just thinking about that title, and I’m back in the surreal, cotton-candy nightmare of it all. That place where reality warps and bends, and friendships twist into something else entirely.

Imagine, if you will, being greeted with those sugary sweet smiles. “Oh, hi, Samantha,” they’d chirp, but you know what they’re really saying, don’t you? You feel it in the way their eyes flicker, like they’re searching for some invisible escape route. A bird on a wire. A crack in the pavement. Anything to save them from the weirdness that is your presence.

Mona Awad’s Bunny is a candy-coated fever dream, and it’ll make you question reality. The writing? Sharp and whimsical, like a knife wrapped in pink tulle. The story? A descent into madness, friendship, and the monstrous underbelly of belonging. It’s delicious and unsettling, like eating too much candy and feeling that sugary rush morph into a sickly churn, because as sweet as it was, it left a lingering aftertaste that’s hard to shake.

Four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️