A review by lululem
Fuel the Fire by Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie


This book was slow at times but I liked it more than their last book!

“I’m tragically in love with you, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

I actually felt their emotions and believed in the love with this book.

Howeverrrrr I do like them better as side characters I’m sorry I TRIED. In the Addicted series they just hit DIFFERENT. Connor has the best lines and Rose is just a baddie. But in their own book they don’t hit the same idk why. I think we all need a Rose and Connor in our lives though lets be real.

We FINALLY get justice after what he who shall not be named did.

Daisy just be going through the absolute most like she really can’t catch a break damn

The goodbye scene at the end was like the end of an era I was SOBBING pls