A review by beth_menendez
Booked to Die by John Dunning


I found this book rather interesting. Maybe it's because I listened to it instead of reading it, but the narrator's voice made me think of a 1940's saga. That sort of slowed me down at the beginning, but by the end of the book I was hooked. I cannot say that I think Cliff Janeway is a great guy. I do not like how he breaks rules wily nily and that he seems to lack self control. The fact that he leaves a rather great police career suddenly kind of rubs me the wrong way too. BUT I do like that he has a solid sense of morals and he is good about following up with those he can perceive as fragile. I liked the book enough to hunt up book 2 in this series. I am amused that the time the book is set (mid 1980's) is an era that has telephones, answering machines with actual tapes and no cell phones. You can hear how frustrated people get at not being able to get a hold of one another. We can do that now and I don't know that it's an improvement.