A review by literatehedgehog
Show Me a Sign by Ann Clare LeZotte


An exceptional middle grade historical fiction that will check a lot of boxes for kids and adults alike - and be enjoyable to boot.

Set in the mid/late 1800s on Martha's Vineyard, this tale is narrated by Mary, a young Deaf child of a hearing mother and Deaf father.
Themes that adults will notice
-Bigotry, towards Native peoples (Wampanoag in particular) Black people (freedman), and Deaf peopl (on the mainland)
-Treatment of Deafness as a disability or a difference of language
-Science and "facts" being used to perpetuate discrimination
-Parental disagreement and family discord from a tragic accident
-Plus, back matter with more information on a range of topics

Themes kids will notice
-Spying on adults!
-Being kidnapped and fighting adversity with The Little Princess feels
-Sea shantys and sailing in storms
-Bad guy gets his comeuppance in a dramatic way!

read alikes or alongsides
-Evolution of Calpurnia Tate - historical fiction and curious girls
-Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus - honest, empowering fiction featuring a child with a disability, that doesn't define either the child or the story

This better get some shiny stickers come award season.