A review by jenrich26
Big Girls Do It Running by Jasinda Wilder


The book was a quick and easy read. Knowing Jasinda some and having met her and Jack a few times I was really excited to read more of her story and in fact the bit she told in this book had me wanting to know even more about her and Jack's life and how they met. As far as the plan goes, it did feel like you were being told about it from a good friend, it wasn't any new information that you haven't heard before in other diet plans, some of it was easy to understand and the gradual way she broke it down into challenge weeks made it even easier, some it got more complicated toward the last few weeks of the challenge. I am a few days shy of finishing my 8 weeks, my favorite parts of the challenge were the support and cheering from Jacinda and the other challengers in her facebook group, the ease in which I detoxed from sugar and processed foods and how much better I feel daily in how I work and think and sleep. I used to have headaches pretty often or even body aches from sleeping rough and I would be foggy headed much of the day. I don't have any of that anymore, I haven't had a headache since day 3 of this plan. I love how you can find alternatives to almost anything you used to eat. I work out less than I did before this plan, I had tried a few rounds of the 21 day fix and didn't find much success in it and I was sore everyday from all the workout videos. On this plan I have much more energy and I just walk/wog 3-5 nights a week. The carb cycling and the plate colors got a little harder for me, I just can't see keeping up with that long term for me. I'm going to try my best but I just know me and know it' isn't in my future to keep up like the no sugar will be. To date my stats are I am down 11 lbs, 3 inches in my waist and 1 pants size. The amount of bloat I no longer see when I look in the mirror amazes me. For me reading this book and doing this particular plan at this time in my life was just what I needed. I started trying really hard to lose weight a little over a year ago and have been unsuccessful it my attempts other than a few pounds here and there. Through this process I learned a lot about food and sugars and hidden names for sugars and how my body reacts to different types of food, it's made me angry at the food industry and how much chemical junk is in easily available things and how healthy items are so much more expensive. It's changed the way I feed my family and the amount of sugar I allow my child to have in a day, the difference in her in just changing and cutting back are like night and day.