A review by shelbylovestoread
Beneath the Stands by Emily McIntire


Becca and Eli get all the angsty heart eyes. I thought Chase and Lee were bad, but boy, Eli and Becca take the cake! Emily seriously messes with our emotions in this one, just like in Beneath the Stars.

Becca struggles with severely manipulative and overbearing parents. We watch her grow in the book, as she works to become the person she wants to be, rather then the person she’s expected to be. Which is inspiring. Not many have that kind of strength, and Emily captures brag strength so well with Becca’s character.

Eli has been running from home for 8 years. It takes the wrong person to bring him home, but be finally stays for the right reasons. He finally, finally grows the hell up. I understood where he was coming from, he was lonely. But at the same time, I wanted to hit him. Like dude. Seriously. Your family needs you! He finally got it. Hallelujah!

So many emotions with this book. And so much steam...is it hot in here, or is it me?? Just me...o ok. Well, it’s the book! Eli is just...and phew...yep...read the book!

The Book:
Becca leaves Sugrlake to go to school at FCU, which happens to be where Eli lands a coaching job. Becca’s senior year, she gets a job as a student manager for the men’s basketball team...Eli’s team. Somewhere along the way, Becca stops seeing Eli as the boy she should hate out of principle for Lee, and she sees him as someone who understands her and what she’s going through and feeling.

Eli stops seeing Becca as Lee’s annoying best friend and realizes she’s a woman. She’s a student and he’s staff, but they have so much chemistry, they can’t deny it. Eli tries to give Becca the world, but Becca’s parents are horrible people, and Becca has issues she can’t overcome. So Becca runs away and Eli doesn’t chase her.

5 years later...seriously 5 years later. So much wasted time. Time they could’ve been together. Eli is getting married...to the wrong person. If you read Beneath the Stars, you know a little of the story. Eli comes home because his fiancé wants a fast wedding in Sugarlake. Becca’s preacher father forces her to plan the wedding. Along the way, feelings are realized. You don’t stop loving your soulmate, even when they break your heart.

But can Eli forgive Becca? Can Becca forgive herself? Can she let Eli go so he can move on? How could he even move on from true love?! I want to slap them both in the backs of their heads and say geez guys, pull your heads out of the sand and realize your not going to be happy without each other! But it’s not my journey to take...but seriously come on Becca and Eli!

Now we know what happened in Florida!

Now I can’t wait for Jackson’s story!! And I just want more of Chase and Lee, and Eli and Becca!!