A review by kawai
Our Story Begins: New and Selected Stories by Tobias Wolff


Trumps all other modern collected works I've read so far, including O'Connor and Hemingway.

Wolff has a gift for rendering the intense minimally, which maximizes the after effects; when coupled with his deep insight into human nature and ability to compress situations to their most important moments, the result is a near-perfect collection.

If the collection lacks one thing, it's as diverse a range of settings and characters as I'd hope for. Stories containing people of color are few and far between (if any); the socioeconomic class tends towards the lower middle class (or even lower); setting is more often than not a standard American scape; few women rise to prominent positions, with most action directed by men.

Still, none of that is to say the collection doesn't have a massive set of merits. It's a new favorite on my shelf.