A review by hookandbookclub
The Funny Thing about Norman Foreman by Julietta Henderson


Gorgeous, uplifting, warm read.
This buddy road trip adventure has it all.
Twelve year old Norman Foreman has just lost his bloody rolls bloody Royce of best friends in the whole wide world, Jax, so there is definitely a lot of raw emotion and sadness in this book. But like all comedians, there is depth and sadness within but a lot of laughs too.

Because funny man Jax and straight man Norman had a five year comedy plan, to perform at the Edinburgh fringe festival, by the age of 15.
Jax dying was not in the plan.

Now Sadie, Norman’s mum, with exactly the expectable dose pf mum guilt, wants to make Norman smile again.
An adventure ensues. From Penzance to Edinburgh, with a vintage car, a shoebox full of jokes and a hunt for a missing father on the way.
I found this such a compelling read and it gave me similar vibes to Dog Days. A really lovely feel-good British read.
If this isn’t made into a film in the next few years, I’d be very surprised. With a whole host of brilliantly written characters, from psoriasis-prone Norman, to kindly old Leonard in the blue Austin that adorns the book’s cover, to the motley crew of Norman’s potential dads, and not forgetting larger than life naughty boy Jax, the book comes to life through the people who make the story. There is a sense of community, found family and togetherness which I absolutely love in books.
I loved it.