A review by ericbuscemi
Two Ravens and One Crow by Kevin Hearne


Sometimes less is more. Such is the case with this novella, which advances Atticus's story more than the previous novel, [b:Tricked|12700306|Tricked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #4)|Kevin Hearne|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1324455119s/12700306.jpg|16669362], did, while at the same time maintaining the tone of the overarching series, as well as its mythology, excitement and humor. Has me very excited to read the next novel in the series, [b:Trapped|13536649|Trapped (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #5)|Kevin Hearne|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1346092123s/13536649.jpg|16669363].