A review by whalien_reads
Warcross by Marie Lu


You can find this review and more at The Wanderlust Reader!


*I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I had initially picked this book up in early June but put it down three chapters in because I wasn’t in the mood. And as you guys know, I’m 100% a mood reader so if a book isn’t working for me, I’ll set it aside and pick it back up at a later date.I was debating for so long whether I wanted to read it now or wait until after it’s release once the hype had gone down a smidge. As you can see, I decided to go with the former. What sealed the deal for me was all my fellow book bloggers raving about it *cough especially when it came to the romance cough*! I’m so happy I ended up listening to their words of wisdom because holy cow cows (yes, I’ll be saying that from now on and you all have Gemina to thank for that lol) it was AMAZING!!!


The plot seems like a good place. Right? Well, our protagonist, Emika Chen, is a bounty hunter meaning that she tracks down individuals who have bet illegally on Warcross. For those who don’t know, Warcross started out as just a game, but has now turned into a way of life for many. It’s basically a virtual reality and the purpose of the game is to steal the opponent’s artifact. During the opening ceremony of the Warcross Championships, Emika hacks into the match and accidentally reveals herself to the world. She fears what’s waiting for her, but she never expected to receive a job offer from the creator of Warcross, Hideo Tanaka. Emika is to play the role of a spy in order to figure out who is behind a security breach but it turns out to be more complicated than that.

Now, I was just a little bit hesitant going into Warcross because it’s quite different from her previous books and I’m not really a fan of gaming, so I wasn’t sure how it would play out, but I trusted that Marie Lu would deliver an epic story and deliver she did! The whole concept of Warcross is simply magnificent and the writing is spectacular! It was so vivid and full of imagery that I found myself visualizing what was going on in my head. It felt so real to me and I was so sad when I realized it wasn’t. *cries until this becomes a movie*

Don’t get me started on the characters. If you do, I will ramble like there’s no tomorrow because I love them all! Emika is a badass, caring, and genius hacker with RAINBOW hair for crying out loud. How can you not help but fall in love her?! Also, I love how she doesn’t step down from a challenge even when the odds are against her. Then there is Hideo, the very serious and shielded billionaire who lets his guard down for Emika. I loved seeing their relationship progress and seeing him open up to her, little by little, was wonderful. Their interactions as a whole were just swoon worthy!

Although I was able to figure out who Zero was about halfway to two-thirds of the way through, it didn’t take away from the story for me. There were of course more plot twists, and let me tell you, they were wild! I can’t wait to see where Lu takes it from here!