A review by marilynw
The Vanishing Season by Joanna Schaffhausen


This is my first Joanna Schaffhausen book and I've already started the next book in the Ellery Hathaway series and then still get to read the third book in the series. Happy days for me when I find a new author I want to follow. The Vanishing Season is book #1, followed by No Mercy and All the Best Lies and then the fourth book in the series, Every Waking Hour, will come out next year. 

Ellery Hathaway was the only survivor of a serial killer who had raped, tortured and killed sixteen girls before he grabbed Ellery. She was held for three days before a young FBI agent rescued her. The agent, Reed Markham, earned fame and recognition for saving Ellery and catching the serial killer, Francis Michael Coben, and even wrote a best selling book about the case. Now though, fourteen years later, Reed has fallen from grace after an error in judgement on his last case and he's been put on "stress leave" from his job and his marriage has fallen apart. 

Ellery has been working as a cop in a small town, a town that has had three unsolved missing persons cases, that Ellery thinks are the work of a serial killer. But no one will listen to Ellery so she contacts Reed for help in solving the cases. Ellery and Reed make a good but cantankerous team, skirting rules, authority, and sometimes each other, as they try to stop another person missing, as the  disappearance anniversary of the first three people approaches.  To round out this team is Speed Bump, Ellery's slobbering Basset Hound rescue.

Pub December 5, 2017.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC.