A review by andintothetrees
Shockaholic by Carrie Fisher


I’ve had a mini-run of reading not-great books it seems! Truth be told, I probably shouldn’t have bothered picking this one up, as I’ve previously read both Postcards From The Edge and The Best Awful by the same author, and didn’t enjoy either – in fact I’m not sure I even made it to the end of one of them. I always feel like I should like Carrie Fisher’s books though, since she discusses topics I am interested in and usually enjoy reading about, plus they are supposed to be oh-so-hilarious and I like a good laugh (well, who doesn’t?). I picked Shockaholic up nevertheless, since my local library had a shiny new copy waiting temptingly… I then told myself I had to read it once I’d got it home, since I want to break my habit of taking out more books than I read, as it just means a) unnecessary carrying of books and b) me hogging library copies of things other people might really want to read, instead of just being vaguely interested in.

... [Read the rest of my review here: https://whathannahread.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/shockaholic-by-carrie-fisher/]