A review by emilybryk
The Dark Volume by Gordon Dahlquist


This is less a novel than a single extended chase scene with two main features: interchangeable characters and vomiting. There is so, so much vomiting. (Also headaches. And waxy skin. And splitting fingernails (ew). And "gummed" eyelids. What has to happen for an eyelid to become "gummed" anyway? It is clearly in some way related to decomposition, but I am insufficiently familiar with the nature of corpses to fully understand.)

I return to my point.

This is essentially an extended chase scene in which the first book's Cabal is not only scattered but also unbelievably inept, everyone smells bad and gets too little sleep, Celeste is constantly being troubled by flashbacks to someone else's sex life (and commenting on things like "a rush of sweetness to her loins." Good grief), and Chang, the only worthwhile character the first time around, is now no more than a bright red stick figure with a club and dark glasses.

Oh, right, and the Contessa (let me retract my earlier statement: there were two worthwhile characters the first time around) is now both desperate and potentially bisexual and seems intent on seducing all three of our heroes in exchange for things like half a loaf of bread, etc.