A review by mike_brough
Midwinter Mysteries: A Christmas Crime Anthology by Linda Stratmann, Gaynor Torrance, Sean Gibbons, David Field, Graham Brack, M.J. Logue, Marilyn Todd, Kim Fleet, J.C. Briggs, Keith Moray


An entertaining collection of stories, each with a seasonal connection. It looks like the publishers have asked each of their featured authors to write a short story featuring their series characters.

The stories cover a wide range of historical periods and, if you find that you want to read more from a particular author, each story ends with a link to the series.

My favourites were Footprints in the Snow by J C Briggs (a Dickens of a Christmas tale) and a couple of season-of-goodwill heartwarmers - The Spirit of Christmas by Cora Harrison, another Dickensian Christmas crime, and Secret Santa by Kim Fleet.

I hate criticising (I don't really) but Lost and Found by Keith Moray was a Tartan nightmare, the worst of Princes Street pawkiness.

I wasn't sure about the last story either, The Christmas Ghost by Linda Stratmann. It was a ghost story vignette - but a mystery?

Overall, well worth a read and I'll be following up on some of these authors.

In the interests of full disclosure, I received a review copy from the publisher.